United Nations seminar boosts cooperation between smallholder farmers
Representatives of United Nations agencies, officials from national and Yunnan provincial government institutions in China, researchers, and delegates from 12 Asian and African countries have urged greater South-South Cooperation to assist smallholder farmers to combat the adverse impacts of climate change.
Smallholders in developing and least developed countries frequently suffer from food insecurity and income instability while being constrained by low affordability of inputs and limited knowledge of coping strategies. Strengthening their resilience to climate change is critical not just for development of the agricultural sector but for fulfilling the pledge to ‘leave no one behind’ embodied in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the global community.
Over 40 participants reviewed relevant national policy and strategy developments and shared practical experiences, including a range of innovative technologies and good practices from China, during the ‘Seminar on Building Smallholder Farmers’ Resilience under Climate Change through Value Chain Management’ organized in Kunming, Yunan Province, China, from 18 to 20 September. The seminar also discussed common constraints and challenges and identified priority areas for partnership and collaboration.