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Researchers Aim to Identify Volume of Greenhouse Gases From African Crops

Researchers from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) are involved in the first large collection and analysis of data on greenhouse gases emissions in African crop systems.

A researcher from the School of Agricultural, Food and Biosystems Engineering (ETSIAAB) at UPM was involved in an international scientific team that collected the existing data on greenhouse gases emissions (GHG) released in natural ecosystems and agricultural lands in Sub-Saharan Africa. Researchers also collected data of the factors causing these emissions and the management strategies, as well as possible solutions for their reduction. All collected data is available in an open access database hosted on a blog developed by the researchers in order to share the knowledge on GHG in the African continent.

In spite of the great relevance of Africa as an agricultural country and the vulnerability of its agro-ecosystem due to the climate change, very little is known about greenhouse gases emissions in Sub-Saharan Africa—for instance, the natural and anthropic factors responsible for these emissions and their contribution and mitigation potential to global emissions.

Andrea Moroni

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