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Liberia's Gola Forest Act Protects Environment

We had actually thought that the Gola Forest, which stretches through Gbarpolu and Grand Cape Mount counties, had long ago, by Act of Legislature, been established as a national reserve.

Not until our Senate Correspondent, J. Burgess Carter, reported last Monday that the Senate had set up two Committees to reconcile the Gola Forest and Affirmative Action Acts, respectively, with the House of Representatives, which had already passed both Acts.

The Senate Committee on Affirmative Action, headed by Grand Kru Senator Dr. Peter Coleman, will work to reconcile the differences with the House. The Senate had already, on last August 25, passed the Act creating 21 additional legislative constituencies

in the House to provide representation for women, youth and the disabled. But the House, seriously considering financial implications at this time of austerity, reduced the number to seven, hence the need for a Senate committee to reconcile the vote with the House.

This Editorial, however, addresses itself mainly to the more critical and long term implications of the Gola Forest Act. This Act carries with it a triple fortune. These are the further protection of Liberia's forests; enhancing bio-diversity; and fighting climate change.

Adrianne Mathiowetz

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