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Chickens Becoming Handy Alternative to Irrigated Crops

For the two thirds of people in Kenya who rely on the food they grow and animals they keep, frequent droughts can leave many struggling to produce enough to feed their families.

In recent years Kenya’s Kitui County has suffered from significant variations in climate, with serious impacts on rain-fed agricultural production and food security in the south east of the country.

Onesmus Mwangangi is an agricultural expert at Farm Africa, an international charity that tackles poverty in eastern Africa by assisting farmers to grow more, sell more and sell for more.

Raised on a farm in Kitui, Onesmus has spent a lifetime witnessing dramatic shifts in climate common to the region’s semi-arid lands which make farming tough for smallholders. In recent years he has noticed many changes to the local environment which are making life even harder. He worries that climate change might be the cause and the situation will worsen in the future.

Isabelle Puaut

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