Green Technological Innovation on Display in the Congo
The push into green growth by Central African states is notable. Middle Africa, as the wider region is referred to by the UN, is somewhat viewed as a “black hole” on the continent, often associated with conflict, abundant but poorly managed natural resources, and long-serving rulers. The region, despite its natural wealth, also lags in most global indicators of wellbeing, a problem further deepened by an absence of reliable data.
This year’s meeting focused on technological innovation, highlighting businesses in the region, both established and start-ups, that are staking their future on green growth, in what is repeatedly termed a “real opportunity” to be seized.
“We must think of solutions to the needs of our populations. After COP21 the green economy is no longer a choice but an obligation,” Honoré Tabuna of the Economic Community of Central African States, known by its French acronym CEEAC, said in reference to last year’s major climate change meeting in Paris.