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European Commission Announces €122.5m for Drought Victims in Ethiopia

The European Commission has announced €122.5 million for Ethiopia to address the immediate needs of people affected by the El Niño-driven drought in Ethiopia, EU said in a statement released Friday. This new support aims to combine a humanitarian response and early recovery assistance with initiatives that address the root causes of fragility and vulnerability, the statement said.

The new EU funding comes on top of a first El Niño emergency package announced in December last year that consisted of €79 million for the Greater Horn of Africa region and from which nearly €43 million will benefit Ethiopia.

European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, Christos Stylianides stated: “With over 10 million people currently struggling to find food, the humanitarian situation is very worrying. The EU is taking action; our new support will allow us to step up our efforts to help the most vulnerable in Ethiopia.”

United Nations

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