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Zim Sculptors Come Up With Artworks On Climate Change

As the scourge of climate change continues to take its toll across the world, Zimbabwe included, some Zimbabwean artists have decided to add their voices to the clarion call of finding ways to deal with the phenomenon. It is in this vein that more than 20 sculptors from Chitungwiza Arts Centre have decided to come up with a collage of artefacts thematised around the devastating effects of climate change.

Dubbed “Climate Change: Whither Are We Headed?” the collection features sculptures on the topical subject, probing the causes and effects of climate change while at the same tile trying to offer solutions to how best it can be contained.

“Over the past few years, Zimbabwe and other parts of the world have been witnessing changes in the earth’s weather, including temperature, wind patterns and rainfall, a situation which has adversely affected people’s lifestyles.


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