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Climate Change Negotiations, is Africa Benefitting?

African countries appear to have unwavering interests in climate change negotiations especially those international ones such as the recent UNCOP21 held in Paris in December 2015.

The nature of excitement coupled with phony expectations have left a lot of neutrals wondering as to what exactly is in store for the African continent. It is common knowledge that in any given country, there is not much political will to tackle climate change head-on but when it comes to attending these international conferences, the hype involved is as if it would be the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Africa has not benefitted from these climate change negotiations, as the African countries would be at pains to portray. These international climate change meetings always give leverage to carbon emitting nations to pollute more, then come back to negotiate while they continue to emit more carbon into the atmosphere. The major undoing for Africa is to continue looking for solutions from carbon sinners, who are not yet ready to stop carbon emissions.


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