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Africa: Aligning Sustainable Development Goals With Climate-Resilient Growth

In December 2015 the UN will host the 21st annual Conference of Parties (COP 21) negotiations to achieve universal commitment to an ambitious, legally binding agreement on climate change. A total of 196 countries will spend two weeks deliberating on the investment each is willing to make towards a common climate agenda. This climate negotiation also coincides with other intergovernmental discussions taking place under the UN's auspices in the second half of this year.

All of these processes aim to reframe global development aspirations for the next 15 years and beyond. The intersection of the UN meeting on post-2015 development goals in September, the COP 21 in December, and the on-going discussions regarding the Financing for Development agenda (held in Addis Ababa in June 2015) represents a timely opportunity for the developing world to seek a common and holistic development vision that balances economic, social and environmental concerns; safeguards development from climate impacts; reduces carbon emissions and other unsustainable practices; and promotes action on protecting threatened ecosystem services without compromising sustainable development.

In addition, this paradigm calls for investors and the recipients of development finance to demonstrate its catalytic use to promote equity and a meaningful contribution to the achievement of the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Photo Credit: World Bank Photo Collection

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