Oregano Will Cut Cows’ Wind and Climate Change
Cows’ farts have long been recognised as a contributor to climate change. Their digestion creates methane as a by-product and that...

Organic Farming 'Could be key to feeding the world as global warming takes hold'
Organic farming – long held to be irrelevant in tackling world hunger – could be key to feeding the world as global warming takes hold,...

How To Secure The Global Food System In A Time Of Climate Change
Climate change could destabilize the global food system, but there are ways to keep that from happening, say Cargill and the other...

Industrializing Agriculture May Be Harming Africa's Poorest Farmers
Rather than alleviating poverty, a farming revolution aimed at increasing and modernising agricultural production in Africa could be...

Namibia: Bleak Livestock Prospects for Drought-Stricken Country
Widespread drought in southern Africa is threatening Namibia’s economy. According to local media, Namib Mills will be raising retail...

Mixing Crops with Livestock Could Make Climate Adaptation Cheaper
On a global scale, mixing crops with livestock-production systems can substantially reduce climate-adaptation costs, and slow down...

Smallholders Rely on Informal Seed Systems
Small-scale farmers obtain more than 90 per cent of their seed from informal systems, says a new study. The study was conducted to help...

Climate Change May Cause These Foods to Become Extinct
The past year has been all about climate change and global warming, along with witnessing the world's biggest summit and conference on...

Resilient Farming in Timor-Leste
Maria Fatima is the chief of Maudemo, a village in Timor-Leste where life has long centered on small-scale farming. "Farmers are...

Eating More Pulses to Fight Climate Change
Climate change may seem to many of us a challenge too daunting to tackle directly through our own actions. But there is one small change...