Toxic algal bloom continues to suffocate Florida’s Gulf Coast
Florida in the United States of America recently declared a state of emergency as a red tide of toxic algae bloomed along its western...

Identifying hotspots for gender-focused climate-smart interventions
In a recently published paper, "Woman in agriculture, and climate risks: hotspots for development," by the CGIAR Research Program on...

Climate Smart Farming
ClimateSmart Agriculture is an approach that involves different elements embedded on-farm and beyond the farm and incorporates...

My generation is radically remaking climate activism. Will it be enough?
My generation, the millennials, will never know a time when climate change wasn’t a grave threat. Back in 1988, carbon dioxide in the...

Bamboo absorbs carbon, is cheap, can replace concrete & steel and can even be used to build high
You are already very familiar with bamboo. Where did you learn about its climate change potential? Before [my post with the UNFCCC] I was...

EPA admits Trump would sacrifice thousands of U.S. lives to save a few coal plants
President Trump’s own Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conceded Tuesday that replacing President Obama’s climate plan for electric...

Australia is devastated by drought, yet it won't budge on climate change
Australia is suffering its worst drought in living memory, as dozens of bushfires are blazing out of control. It's hard to believe that...

Strongest, Oldest Arctic Sea Ice Breaks Up for First Time on Record
The Arctic is warming at a rate twice as fast as the rest of the globe, and now the region's thickest and oldest sea ice—also known as...

The world is losing the war against climate change
EARTH is smouldering. From Seattle to Siberia this summer, flames have consumed swathes of the northern hemisphere. One of 18 wildfires...

Colombia and Honduras lead the way in tackling devastating coffee rust disease
In 2008, coffee rust almost killed Colombia's $2.6 billion coffee industry. A decade later, it's about to harvest its biggest ever crop....