Zimbabwe: Country Appeals for $1.5 Bil to Prevent Starvation
Zimbabwe on Tuesday appealed to local businesses and charities for $1.5bn aid to save more than a quarter of the population from...
Namibia: Bleak Livestock Prospects for Drought-Stricken Country
Widespread drought in southern Africa is threatening Namibia’s economy. According to local media, Namib Mills will be raising retail...
Food Aid to Run Out in Ethiopia Unless Donors Step in, Says Charity
Emergency food aid for 10 million Ethiopians hit by the worst drought in 50 years will run out in April unless donors provide more funds...
Zimbabwe: State of Disaster Declared Over Drought
Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe declared a "state of disaster" on Friday (Feb 5) in rural areas hit by a severe drought, with more...
Zimbabwe: 3M Need Food Aid Amid Severe Drought, Government Minister Says
As many as 3 million people in Zimbabwe will likely need food aid this year, a government minister said over the weekend. That number is...
Video: Plants That Don't Die When They Lose Water Could Help Feed The World
Jill Farrant is trying to accomplish something most would consider impossible. As the University of Cape Town molecular biologist...
Kenya: Kalokol Serves as Climate Change Warning to Rest of Africa
The lake that Philip Tioko relies on for survival is a fine turquoise strip that seems to recede farther into the distance each day. His...
From the Nile to the Amazon, Climate Change Threatens Hydropower
From the Amazon to the Nile to the Mekong, rivers are a lifeblood for many nations, filling taps and irrigation canals and generating...
Why the Rains Failed – and Why They May Return
Traditionally the Sahel – a semi-arid strip of land, south of the Sahara Desert – is one of Africa’s most productive crop regions. But...
Beaver Dam Technology Could Help Store Water in Face of Climate Change
Can a rodent species native to the Methow Valley help solve problems created by climate change? Absolutely, according to a local...