Ghana's Smallholders Share Indigenous Farming Techniques
Some smallholder farmers in the Bongo District of the Upper East Region are exploiting indigenous farming technologies to preserve their food stuff for storage and treat their livestock of diseases and pest. This came to light at the launch of a new Food Security Project, dubbed “Promoting Local Innovation for Food and Nutrition Security (Proli-FaNS)” at the Bongo-Soe Community in the District. Mr Azure Yaw, a 38-year-old farmer demonstrated to the gathering how he used the back of a tree to produce a liquid concoction to cure his pigs from the African swine disease. Another 39 -year-old woman farmer, Madam Akurugu Atambire, also demonstrated how she used the back of a shea tree to preserve and store her Bambara beans.
Ollivier Girard/CIFOR