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Tanzania Needs Finance for Solar, and is Not Receiving Enough

For Tanzania to meet its energy needs - and in a way that is sustainable - huge levels of finance are required to boost its decentralised energy sector. But the latest research shows that current funding flows are way off target.

Providing sustainable energy for everyone, in line with the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals, will need a massive shift to decentralised supply through such technology as solar home systems or clean cook stoves. Getting energy to remote areas using decentralised solutions is often quicker and cheaper than expanding the central grid.

But to make this possible, public finance - money needed to grow nascent markets - needs to be able to reach this sector. Global climate finance continues to favour ‘big grid’ technologies, but it is also important to see what is happening within countries.

In a big country like Tanzania, where in 2012 just 20 percent of people had access to the grid, decentralised energy is crucial if the government is to achieve its target of 75 percent electrification by 2033.


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