Liberia Works to Decentralize Energy in Rural Areas
As Liberians await the first 22-megawatts turbine at the Mt. Coffee Hydro Power Plant to go online on December 15, the 'Liberia Energy Access Practitioner’ (LEAP) group has been launched to help government decentralize energy to rural areas in the country.
The program was organized by Mercy Corps, an international non-governmental organization, through its ‘Light Up Liberia’ project with funding from the European Union.
The launch, which was held over the weekend, brought together representatives from Total Liberia, Plan Liberia, Alternative Energy, We4Self, GIZ-Endev, among others.
The network is particularly intended to bring together diverse energy service providers and stakeholders to support the delivery of clean, reliable, and affordable decentralized energy as a way of contributing to Liberia's electrification projects.

Ollivier Girard/CIFOR