South-South Cooperation Vital for Overcoming Climate Change
Necessity sharpens the wit. Today, the pressing necessity is called climate change. Modifications in weather patterns, rising sea levels and other extreme weather events are just some of the impacts of climate change affecting – today and tomorrow - food and agriculture.
Crops and livestock will also suffer negative effects in most regions of the world. As if that was not enough, climate change will predominantly hit the poorest in the world, of which 70 percent depend on agriculture and natural resources for their livelihoods. In light of this imminent and inevitable situation, as evidenced by the global scientific community, climate change requires new solutions to better adapt to climate change and mitigate its effects.
In this context, FAO’s goal is to ensure that Zero Hunger is achieved by 2030, to ensure food security for a world population which is expected to number 9 billion in 2050. Agriculture will be key to achieving a better adaptation and mitigation to climate change.
Stuart Rankin