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Renewable Energy Project to Connect 77,000 Rural Rwandan Homes

Government efforts aimed at increasing supply of clean energy to power its green growth ambitions have gotten a boost, thanks to a new off-grid renewable energy support programme.

Scaling up Off-Grid Energy in Rwanda (SOGER) aims to grow sustainable off-grid renewable energy markets by supporting private sector companies to deliver energy access to 77,000 people in poor rural areas, Herbert Nyaga, the country manager of Energy 4 Impact, a renewable energy firm, said.

The Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA)-funded programme that started in July will end in June 2019 and is designed to respond to the country’s power challenges and government priorities to reduce poverty and increase energy access in rural areas, he added. The government targets to increase access to electricity to over 70 per cent by 2018, out of which 22 per cent will be through off-grid connections. Off-grid connections presently account for less than 2 per cent.

Solar Electric Light Fund

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