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GM Foods' Role in Africa's Climate Change Shift

Poor nations shouldn't miss out on advances such as lab-cultured meat and low-methane GM rice, says Jayson Merkley.

Industrialised nations contain 20 per cent of the global population, yet historically are responsible for roughly 75 per cent of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This amounts to a moral debt to developing nations - a debt richer countries can start to pay off by embracing biotechsolutions and eating fewer animal products.

The evidence of disproportionate harm from climate change affecting people in the developing world ought to weigh quite heavily on the collective consciences of nations who bear the primary responsibility - including individuals.

Conscience comes into play for many Western consumers when it comes to activities such as recycling waste or installing solar panels. But conversations surrounding climate often focus on energy production. Many fail to recognise that agriculture, too, is a major driver of climate change.

UN Photo

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