Lack of Environmental Reporting in Namibian Media Worrisome
The lack of environmental related stories in the Namibian newspapers makes the government effort and other stakeholders to help Namibia adapt to the impacts of climate change more challenging, because the is not sensitised enough about the matter.
Namibia has adapted various policies including the National Policy on Climate Change in ongoing effort to strengthen national capacities to reduce climate change risk and build resilience for any climate change shocks.
But the matter has taken a backseat in the local media, as local journalists continue ignoring the country’s climate change misery.
The deafening silence on the subject, despite being one of the topical issues of the day, experts blames it on lack of media training on climate change and environmental issues as main contributing factors.
Namibia’s Deputy Minister of Environment and Tourism Tommy Nambahu said while climate change supposed to be addressed in a multi-sectional approach, the role of media on the battle against global warming is missing.
Ronnes Jacobs